Weekly Photo Challenge: Opposites

This week’s photo challenge is to show opposites. Since it’s winter here at the moment and we have lots of rainy days I immediately thought of sunshine as opposed to clouds or rain. I love the drama of clouds rolling in, especially when the sun still partially shines on it, so I put together a little gallery of opposing sunshine and clouds/rain photos.


26 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Opposites

  1. Stunning shots all round. Really love the one where the sun is bursting out of the clouds, and the rainbow shots too. You got very luck there with those captures. Breathtaking. It is also winter here in Australia, and looks like we are having a cold one this week. Will be thinking of sunshine to warm me up 😀

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  2. summer here – winter there, north – south: opposites. I never tire of looking at the ‘big sky.’ Thank you and enjoy the week ahead. It’s Monday where you are, Sunday where I am – another opposite. Peace.

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  3. Pingback: Opposites (Sides) | What's (in) the picture?

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