Weekly Photo Challenge: Treat

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Treat.”

Coffee is as much a treat for me as it is a daily essential. Especially that first cup in the morning sets the tone for the day. When we go camping I always pack a coffee filter and ground coffee to be able to have my delicious cup in the morning, and it gives me so much pleasure to sit back and start the day slowly while sipping that coffee.

Camp coffee being made at Brandberg bush camp, Namibia

Camp coffee being made at Brandberg bush camp, Namibia

If I happen to wake up to views such as these while camping and drinking my morning cup of coffee, it’s pure bliss.

Early morning at Brandberg bush camp, Namibia. A blissful start to the day: drinking coffee and taking photos.

Early morning at Brandberg bush camp, Namibia. A blissful start to the day: drinking coffee and taking photos.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Careful

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Careful.”

Be careful when you want to touch the thorny devil. This little lizard’s unpalatable spines and camouflage (it can change its colour according to the amount of sunlight and surroundings) provide effective defence against predators. They are found in some arid parts of Australia and live in sand and scrub. We found this one on a sandy track north of Coral Bay (approximately 1200 kilometres north of Perth).

Thorny Devil found along the Ningaloo Coast, Western Australia

Thorny Devil found along the Ningaloo Coast, Western Australia

Weekly Photo Challenge: (Extra)ordinary Encounter with the Lion King

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “(Extra)ordinary.”

On our last trip to Etosha National Park in Namibia we were very fortunate to come across these extraordinary animals who were just lying around having quite an ordinary day.

A lazy day in the soft rain

A lazy day in the soft rain

It was remarkable to see them up close like this.


Some of the lions in Etosha are collared to track them

Some of the lions in Etosha are collared to track them

And then they'd had enough of all the tourists staring at them and snapping pictures of them and they wandered off

And then they’d had enough of all the tourists staring at them and snapping pictures of them and they wandered off

We managed to catch one last glimpse

We managed to catch one last glimpse

The encounter was made even more extraordinary by the fact that it occurred barely 100m from the gate of an enclosed picnic spot in the park where myself and one of our friends had got out of our vehicles literally a minute earlier to open and shut the gate. These guys clearly weren’t hungry.

Photo Challenge: Monochromatic

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Monochromatic.”

This week’s photo challenge asks us to share our monochromatic images. I’ve put together a gallery with images from Namibia, Perth, Coral Bay, Albany and Dongara.